Evergreen Institute

It's time to get on with your growth.

Spring 2025 Courses

Old Testament Survey II, Church History Survey, and Fundamentals of Teaching are the next classes offered through Evergreen Institute. They will take place at Evergreen Church from 6:30-8:00 PM, Thursday nights beginning January 9th.

Course Timeline

Old Testament Survey I
Fundamentals of Bible Study
Systematic Theology

Fall 2024

Old Testament Survey II
Fundamentals of Teaching
Church History Survey

Spring 2025

New Testament Survey I
Fundamentals of Bible Study

Fall 2025

New Testament Survey II
Fundamentals of Teaching
Systematic Theology

Spring 2026

Old Testament Survey I
Church History Survey
Fundamentals of Bible Study

Fall 2026

Two Tracks
One Spiritual Journey

Audit Track

Individuals are welcome to take courses as they wish without receiving Institute credit. They will not be required to pay the registration fee or to complete the assigned work for each class.

Certificate Track

Individuals who would like to work toward a non-accredited certificate can pay a minimal fee of $39 per class to register. After completing each course with a passing grade, students receive a certificate for completing the basic course block and will be eligible for admittance into future advanced courses.

Course Summaries

Foundations of Bible Study
$20 (materials)
Foundations of Bible Study is a rigorous course that helps equip believers to effectively “dig” into God’s Word using 20 Bible study tools. This class will take you beyond just reading into a deeper understanding of God’s Word.
Fundamentals of Teaching
Will cover inductive bible study, how to prepare and present a lesson, how to use Bible study tools, basic hermeneutics, how to write and plan a lesson series, training in public speaking, and vision and long term lesson planning.
New Testament Survey I & II
$30 (book)
Covers authorship and setting of NT books, theological themes of the NT, guidance for the church in a hostile culture, civic and religious responsibilities, the model of the NT Church, as well as church leadership and organization.
$22 (book)
Hermeneutics is the theory (science) and practice (art) of biblical interpretation. In this class students will learn the basic principles of biblical interpretation, how to approach different kinds of literature within the Bible, and how to accurately interpret God’s word.
Church History Survey
$15 (book)
Church History Survey provides broad exposure to the history of the church from Peter’s sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2) to the present day. Students will learn about key figures and church leaders who have shaped church culture (ecclesiology) and its influence throughout history.
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology is a method of organizing key theological principles into a functional worldview. This class covers a broad range of subjects including the doctrines of God, Jesus (Christology), the Holy Spirit, Sin, and others.
Old Testament Survey I & II
$30 (book)
Old Testament Survey focuses on a broad understanding of the books of the Old Testament. This course covers the authors, origin, cultural settings, significance, and how each book contributes to the message of the gospel.