Sundays at Evergreen

*Children's Services Avaliable
Worship Services*
9:00 AM  & 10:30AM
VENUE Worship Service*
Sunday Night Events:
Life Groups*
Ramp (5th & 6th)
Community (7th - 12th)
Senior Adult Bible Study

Tuesdays at Evergreen

Reach (Young Adults)
When: Tuesday Nights @ 7:00PM
Weekly Tuesday Prayer Meeting (Open to all)
When: Tuesday Nights @ 6:30PM
Where: Main Worship Center

Wednesdays at Evergreen

Men's Prayer Breakfast · 6:30 AM
Pastor's Bible Study · 6:30PM
AWANA (2 Years Old - 6th Grade) · 6:30-8:00
MDWK (7th - 12th Grade) · 6:30-8:00

Throughout the year we will have various programming happening on campus on Wednesday nights. Click below to stay up to date with these programs.

Thursdays at Evergreen

Evergreen Institute
What: Old Testament Survey II, Church History Survey, and Fundamentals of Teaching are the next classes offered through Evergreen Institute.
When: 6:30-8:30 · Begins January 9th
Where: Evergreen Church

Saturdays at Evergreen

DOSA: Dad's on Special Assignment · Second Saturday of each month
ACTS 6 Ministry: Second Saturday of each month
Praying Dads: Last Saturday of the month @ 7:30AM
Ham Radio: First, Second, and Third Saturdays of the month


Evergreen Paradigm is a collection of four classes taught by four Evergreen pastors in which you can learn the fundamentals of Evergreen, spiritual disciplines, how to use your gifts in services and how to share your faith around the world. Below are the explanations of each class and how to know more!

Evergreen 101

Evergreen 101 is our monthly membership information class. Learn about Evergreen’s history, staff, mission, and opportunities to love, serve and grow in your relationship with God.

Evergreen 201

Evergreen 201 is where you can learn about biblical discipleship—what it is, how to be discipled & how to disciple others. This is a 4 week study that is lead by our pastor of discipleship AJ Gonzalez.

Evergreen 301

Discover Your SHAPE for Service—Discover how to use your unique gifts, passions, abilities, personality and life experiences to fulfill God's purpose for your life.

Evergreen 401

Evergreen class 401 is designed for sharing and defending your faith. In this class, learn how to defend & share your faith with non-believers, cults and other religions.


If you have any questions about Evergreen, our services, ministries, or anything else, please fill out this form and we will reach out to you as soon as possible with a response!