April 26-27, 2024

New Life Ranch Flint Valley



What is Manventure?

Manventure is Evergreen Church's flagship annual men's event. Men of all ages (7th grade+) are invited no matter your background. Come forge new friendships as we learn how to pursue our God-given purpose to lead in our homes and our communities.

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." 

Hebrews 10:23

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." 

Hebrews 10:23

Friday, April 26th

5:00 PMArrive at Flint Valley and check-in
6:00 PMBBQ Feast (Conference Center Front Room)
7:00 PMLarge Group Session 1
8:15 PMWorkshop 1
9:15 PMIce Cream Bar and Fellowship (Dining Hall)

Saturday, April 27th

7:00 AMQuiet Time (Conference Center or on your own)
8:00 AMBreakfast (Dining Hall)
8:30 AMWorkshop 2
9:15 AMBreak
9:45 AMLarge Group Session 2
11:00 AMSmall Group
12:00 PM Lunch (Dining Hall)
1:00 PM Free Time
2:00 PM Workshop 3
3:00 PM Large Group Session 3 (closing)
4:00 PM Depart for Home

New Location

This year we will be traveling to New Life Ranch Flint Valley in Colcord, OK, just outside of Siloam Springs, Arkansas.

New Ages

The heart of discipleship is found when fathers and sons spend quality time together. So we are expanding Manventure to include our Evergreen men in the 7th grade and up if they attend with their father or guardian. As we train our young men how to follow Christ and lead their future families, we believe it is crucial to build healthy relationships with other men who can inspire and challenge them to spiritually grow.

New Prices

Option 1: Friday - Saturday ($95)
Option 2: Saturday only ($55)
Students (7th-12th grade) ($55)

NOTE: Any registrations  after midnight, April 14th cannot be guaranteed a shirt for the retreat.

Training Sessions

Workshop 1 (Choose 1)

Faithfulness in Prayer

Matt Davidson

Prayer is central to God’s strategy for discipleship. It is not just a one-time event, but a lifestyle of learning to submit to God’s will for your life. In this breakout, Matt Davidson will discuss how prayer practically impacts your walk with God.

Life of a Disciple: Growing under the teaching of others.

Panel Discussion led by Pastor Taylor Gabbert

To be a disciple is more than observation and application. It is a willful submission to the leadership of a teacher in the pursuit to become more like Christ. This panel will address what a life of submission looks like and the spiritual growth that comes from it.

Faithfulness in Relationships

Josh Randol & Dalton Richardson

In our generation dating and relationships are hard. The world has its own standards for what they should look like, but God has a better standard. In this breakout, Josh Randol and Dalton Richardson will teach about some of the challenges of dating, engagement, and faithfully pursuing a woman in a God-honoring way.

Workshop 2 (Choose 1)

Faithfulness in Frustration

Matt Ellard

When things are going well it can sometimes be easy to forget God’s influence. But when a series of events highlights our limitations and frustrations set in, He quickly comes to the front of our minds. In this breakout, Matt Ellard will share his story about God’s faithfulness over an extended period of unemployment. Join us for an encouraging testimony of what it looks like to have a front-row seat for God’s faithfulness.

Life of a Disciple: Building a Community of Brothers

Panel Discussion led by Pastor Matt O'Mealey

“There is a friend that is closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24). Developing friendships that sharpen is more than an accountability partnership. It involves encouragement, prayer, service, and gentle rebukes when necessary. This panel will address what biblical brotherhood looks like and the mutual growth that occurs when we live in fellowship with one another.

Finding My Place: Faithfulness to the Body of Christ

Mike Kirtley

Service to the Body of Christ requires many different parts that we are all uniquely equipped to do (Rom. 12); there are many different ways to serve within the body. Some service is obvious and on display, other service is quiet, humble, and faithful in ways that you may not even know about.

Workshop 3 (Choose 1)

Faithfulness in Sexuality

Matt Rowe

Nearly 80% of ALL Christians (men & women) struggle with pornography and sexual addictions. These issues contribute to nearly two-thirds of all divorces. How do you find purity or encourage a brother when the battle seems too overwhelming to prevail? Hear the redeeming testimony of God at work in one man’s marriage and the freedom from sexual addiction.

Life of a Disciple: The Art of Investing in Younger Believers

Panel Discussion led by Pastor AJ Gonzalez

Leading others is not to be taken lightly. “Imitate me as I imitate Christ” is what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:1. How should we go about fulfilling the Great Commission and make disciples? This panel of disciple-makers will discuss how the Lord has guided them to train men for Kingdom work.

Intentional Family Leadership

Bret Jackson

A man’s first ministry is his home. Leading your family well starts with following close to Jesus. Stewarding and leading the family God has entrusted to you does not just happen; leading a family well takes effort and daily choices. Come learn how to take the next step, or maybe the first step in obedience for your first ministry.

Philip A. Jackson - Executive Pastor, Evergreen Global  (Men's Ministry)