Sunday Mornings

9:00am & 10:30am

  • Bible lessons
  • Songs

  • Snack
  • Play time

Wednesday Nights


Puggles: 2-3 year olds by start of AWANA year
Cubbies: 3-5 year olds by start of AWANA year

Special Events

Special Delivery Ministry:
We minister to families who are expecting babies or preparing for foster children.  
We’d like connect new parents to other families, the Preschool Ministry and the church leadership.


Get Connected

* Life Groups
* Adult Sunday School Classes
* Evergreen Preschool Ministry FB Group
* Church Wide & PS Email Subscriptions

Parent Partners

Part of our mission to help kids and their families know God and grow in their faith is guiding them to become faithful, active members of the Body of Christ. The most powerful and lasting way to teach active service is to challenge our parents to  model it here at Evergreen.

Because faith is grown at HOME, parents have the incredible role of primary discipler to their kids. Instead of subscribing to the “drop-off mentality”, we want to come alongside moms and dads in an intentional PARTNERSHIP to help develop our kids into lifelong followers of our Lord Jesus.

It is with this vision in mind that we establish “Parent Partners” in our preschool and kids’ ministries.

“Parent Partners” is an extension of our Evergreen covenant to “serve the ministry of our church”. The parents of children who regularly attend preschool and kids’ programs are expected to serve consistently in these programs.

*All preschool and children’s leaders/workers have complete and up-to-date background checks on file.

Kristina Linson - Director of Family Life - Preschool

Lee Ann Roth - Associate Director of Family Life-Preschool