Posts with the tag “government”

Is Free Speech Under Attack?
September 20th, 2024
Summer is over and school is back in session, but not for Enoch Burke. Burke is a Christian who also happens to be a teacher in Westmeath, Ireland. He was fired from his job recently because he refuse...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Illusion of Chaos
May 24th, 2024
The goal of TruthCurrents is to help us learn how to frame current events according to biblical principles so that we can think biblical thoughts about the world around us. Today, I want to talk throu...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Is our government tyrannical?
March 15th, 2024
I had a private conversation recently where I used the language, “tyrant” to refer to some decisions by our federal government. The person I was talking to said, “Pastor, that’s a little overkill. Isn...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Is God with Texas on Immigration?
February 9th, 2024
In this election year, voters in two separate polls, have identified immigration as the top issue they want politicians to deal with. Welcoming people across our border while disregarding our laws is ...  Read More
by PAstor Michael Gabbert
Who’s educating your kids?
January 12th, 2024
Christmas break has come and gone and your kids are going off to school. So, let’s talk today about education. And let’s talk about the relationship between the government and your family and how we t...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
On the Wrong Side of Eternity
December 1st, 2023
Have you heard about the most dangerous thing to happen in Washington D.C. in recent weeks? According to the mainstream media some creature from the swamp has crawled out and seized control of power i...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Tyranny of the Agent
August 11th, 2023
In 1787 the deliberations of the constitutional convention were debating about what the new nation would look like. Would we have a king? Would there be some other system? Because the deliberations we...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Hide your kids! Hide Your Wife!...from Gas Stoves?
January 27th, 2023
To arms! To Arms! Or at least that what some have been telling you about your gas stove. How should Christians respond when the culture around us is stirred up over every little thing? What does the b...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Is the Government for Free Speech?
January 20th, 2023
The Constitution of the United States protects free speech. But what do we do with those in congress who would dismiss such a fundamental right? How should Christians think about free speech? What doe...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Daniel in the Lion’s Office
September 9th, 2022
Is religious freedom fading in America and elsewhere? How should Christians prepare for the potential future where religious freedom is suppressed or even eliminated? Does the Bible answer that questi...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Human Nature in Government
August 19th, 2022
Is the Inflation Reduction Act a good thing? How should Christians think through the elements of this move of the Biden Administration? What does the Bible say about government expansion? Tune in as P...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
What to Do When the Government is Corrupt
April 1st, 2022
With the updates regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop and other stories, one thing has become clear: our government is corrupt. How should Christians respond to a corrupt government? How do we fight agains...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Magna Whata?
March 25th, 2022
Does the President have the authority to do whatever he wants? Should Congress push him to sign executive orders when they can’t get a law passed? What does the Bible say about this? Pastor Michael di...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Where is America in God’s plan?
February 25th, 2022
As Russia invades Ukraine, the Chinese government threatens Taiwan, and the world around us seems to crumble, is America the savior of the world? Is America spoken of in the book of Revelation about t...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
American Monarchy?
January 28th, 2022
What would an American King look like? Is single-party rule a good thing? What does the Bible say about it? Join Pastor Michael in TruthCurrents this week.Larry P. Arnn, “The Way Out” Imprimis, vol. 5...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Is Socialism biblical?
July 23rd, 2021
Was Jesus a socialist? Did the early church model socialism for us? Should we support a socialistic government as Christians? Join Pastor Michael as he explains his answers to these questions in Truth...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
The Olympics Reveal More Than Athletic Ability
July 9th, 2021
As the 2021 Olympics get ready to kick off there has been no shortage of controversy. What can Christians learn from the Tokyo games and how should we adjust our attitudes toward the culture moving fo...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
What is the Deep State?
June 11th, 2021
We have all heard the conspiracy theories about the Deep State in the federal government. Is there anything to them? Is the Deep State even a real thing? How should Christians understand this? Listen ...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Big Government and the Bible
April 30th, 2021
President Joe Biden stood before a fully masked and socially distanced collection of Washington Congressmen and other dignitaries to tell us his vision of government. How does that vision line up with...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Christians and the Communist Threat (in America?)
April 2nd, 2021
Americans are not looking for war with Communist China. But apparently Communist China thinks they’re at war with us. How do we think about this problem Biblically?The history of relations between the...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert






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