Posts with the tag “culture”

A Call to Persevere
February 14th, 2025
A few months ago, I received a letter from a friend asking for advice. The letter says, “I want to ask for some advice regarding politics. I started trying to help 5 years ago and in those 5 years, I’...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Growing Threat of Persecution
October 11th, 2024
Leftists in our generation love to say that the very topic of persecution of Christianity is nothing more than overblown misinformation because they say, Christianity is the oppressive force that make...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Should we be unburdened by what has been?
October 4th, 2024
The publishing industry has a new popular theme: books related to the “threat to American democracy.” Turns out that, according to books like, “The False White Gospel,” “Confronting Christofascism,” “...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Illusion of Chaos
May 24th, 2024
The goal of TruthCurrents is to help us learn how to frame current events according to biblical principles so that we can think biblical thoughts about the world around us. Today, I want to talk throu...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
A War on Words
May 10th, 2024
In his prescient novel, 1984, George Orwell argued that the control of language is a means by which governments and other totalitarian agencies control the narrative, the agenda, the way we control pe...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Called up for the Subjective Service
February 23rd, 2024
Sometimes it just feels like the end of the world when I can’t get my favorite chicken sandwich on a Sunday. At least, that’s what lawmakers in New York think because they want Chik-fil-a to have to o...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Stalking the Clear Conscience
October 27th, 2023
“How dare you?” Have you heard that? It’s the question that is usually asked by someone who is outraged about whatever the latest taboo topic is that is not acceptable for enlightened conversation. Le...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Progress: The Opium of the People
September 29th, 2023
Whatever happened to the American experiment: the idea of an independent, self-sustaining, self-governing nation where you could have liberty and justice for all? That idea has almost disappeared from...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
American Culture: Anchored or Aimless?
July 28th, 2023
One of the most common questions I get these days is, “How in the world did we get here?” What they mean is, how did our culture come to believe such patently absurd and even insane ideas about truth ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Who’s leading whom? China or America?
March 10th, 2023
In America’s greatest rival nation, China, we see a potential future for ourselves. Shocking? It should be. What happens when the President of America leaves out a reaffirmation for religious liberty ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Hide your kids! Hide Your Wife!...from Gas Stoves?
January 27th, 2023
To arms! To Arms! Or at least that what some have been telling you about your gas stove. How should Christians respond when the culture around us is stirred up over every little thing? What does the b...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Has God given up on America?
October 21st, 2022
When we look at the culture of death and relativism around us it is easy to get discouraged. You may be asking yourself if God is even working among us anymore. Is He still here? Has he left America? ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
What grade have public schools earned?
August 26th, 2022
Are public schools what they used to be? Have they rightfully earned our trust? Can we just drop our kids off and leave them as unconcerned parents? What does the Bible say about a parent’s role in th...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Pursuing Prosperity with Courageous Convictions
August 12th, 2022
How do you know when it is time to seek the prosperity of America and when it is time to stand up against the culture for your Biblical convictions? What does the Bible say about this? Listen in as Pa...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Source of Society’s Rot
July 22nd, 2022
Is Biden to blame for the problems in America today? How about political correctness or wealth and power complexes? Maybe our issues are the fault of the elite class? Or maybe we need to look a little...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Should Christians conform to woke company policies?
June 3rd, 2022
Pride month brings out the age-old question for Christians about how they should respond when the culture presses in. How should Christians in the workplace respond when they are pressured to partake ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Should Christians fight the Culture War?
May 13th, 2022
Recently, several Christian and non-Christian alike have come out against conservative Christians who engage in the culture wars. Are they right to criticize? What does the Bible say about fighting fo...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
What Europe Gets that Americans Are Missing
April 16th, 2022
As we lag behind Europe culturally, have they begun to turn things around spiritually? What does that mean for America? What can we learn from our neighbors across the pond? Listen in as Pastor Michae...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Can the Gospel really cure society?
August 6th, 2021
We are surrounded by people who claim that antiracism, wealth redistribution, or other societal transformations will fix the all of our societal ills. Can we have confidence that the Gospel is the tru...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
American Culture: Plenty of Nonsense to Go Around
July 16th, 2021
In America we see the constant shifting of priorities and a rejection of reality in so many corners of society. How can Christians expect to keep ourselves grounded amid the nonsense of our day? Liste...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
The Olympics Reveal More Than Athletic Ability
July 9th, 2021
As the 2021 Olympics get ready to kick off there has been no shortage of controversy. What can Christians learn from the Tokyo games and how should we adjust our attitudes toward the culture moving fo...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Are our Children being targeted?
July 2nd, 2021
What affect is the transgender movement having on your children? Are you aware of the pressures placed on young people in America from every corner of the culture? PAstor Michael addresses these quest...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Should Christians back down from arguments
March 19th, 2021
In an increasingly contentious culture like ours, do you find yourself working hard to avoid arguments and conflict? If you answered yes, listen up.One of the things that strikes me in our culture is ...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
When the News is Overwhelming
February 12th, 2021
Do you find yourself regularly overwhelmed by global crisis and national problems? Do the headlines seem to ruin your day more often than not? Well then, let’s talk.Truth Currents is designed not to b...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert






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