Posts with the tag “church”

Who Decides What the Bible Means?
May 3rd, 2024
“What does the Bible mean to me?” That’s the question of our day because we live in a time when people want to interpret the Bible according to their own priorities and to deliver the narrative or mes...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Easter and Transgender Visibility Day
April 5th, 2024
In the category of “You Just Can’t Make This Up,” last Sunday, March 31st, 2024 was both Easter Sunday for western Christianity as well as National Transgender Visibility Day. In writing the proclamat...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Persecution of Christians in 2023
February 16th, 2024
In almost any restaurant in America, Christians can pray or give thanks before their meal without any concern about retribution. They can do that because their religious liberty rights are protected b...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Out with the Old, In with the New
February 2nd, 2024
A few weeks ago right before Christmas, the current Pope announced a new doctrinal position for the Roman Catholic Church. He is now allowing Priests to bless same-gender marriages. And the church tel...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Clicking our Way Through Church
September 22nd, 2023
Paul Tournier, an influential psychologist, left us with this quote that I find fascinating. He said, “The human condition requires that there are two things in life that we cannot do alone. One is to...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Time to swap your Pastor for AI?
July 21st, 2023
Can a chat bot study, prepare, and present a good, Biblical sermon? We’ve been talking about artificial intelligence for a couple of weeks and I want to spend one more episode exploring the implicatio...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Turning Our Gaze Inward
April 21st, 2023
Christians spend a lot of time talking about the culture wars and identifying bad or wrong ideas outside of the church. But what about inside the church? How should Christians respond to false teachin...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Death of Truth Part 2: The Church
November 10th, 2022
Is truth dying in our Churches? What happens when the church cedes the ground of absolute truth? How does this affect us? What does the Bible say about it? Listen in on Part 2 of 3 of this special ser...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Slow Poisoning of Orthodoxy
October 10th, 2022
How did so many churches and denominations go from historic Christianity to a culturally tolerant, politically correct, plush religion? How does that happen and what will it take to resist this capitu...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Source of Society’s Rot
July 22nd, 2022
Is Biden to blame for the problems in America today? How about political correctness or wealth and power complexes? Maybe our issues are the fault of the elite class? Or maybe we need to look a little...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
What Europe Gets that Americans Are Missing
April 16th, 2022
As we lag behind Europe culturally, have they begun to turn things around spiritually? What does that mean for America? What can we learn from our neighbors across the pond? Listen in as Pastor Michae...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Are there too many Christian Denominations?
March 11th, 2022
The United Methodist denomination is set to split over the issue of homosexuality. Does this upcoming split reveal an essential disunity? What did Jesus mean when he prayed for the unity of his follow...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Where is the Church in 2022?
January 7th, 2022
As Christians seek to understand the times we’re living in and present the truth of the Gospel to a broken world we must ask ourselves about the leadership over us within the church. Do you attend you...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Christians and the Communist Threat (in America?)
April 2nd, 2021
Americans are not looking for war with Communist China. But apparently Communist China thinks they’re at war with us. How do we think about this problem Biblically?The history of relations between the...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Calling out Andy Stanley and Rick Warren: Keep Churches Open
March 26th, 2021
I don’t challenge mega-church pastors in public very often, but today we need to talk.Earlier this month in an interview, Andy Stanley, who is the pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, ma...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Biden, Transgenderism, and the Church
January 29th, 2021
Shared restrooms, shared sporting competitions, and now a shared military. Biological women in this generation have been cancelled by the President of the United States.The President in a flood of Exe...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Christianity and the Pandemic
December 11th, 2020
Last week we talked about how secularism doesn’t consistently live by its own worldview. The pandemic has exposed that. Today, we’ll look at what it teaches us about the Christian worldview.The global...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Sports vs. Church
July 24th, 2020
Welcome to Truth Currents. As excited as I am about baseball, I’ve kind of got mixed emotions because baseball is kicking the season off with no fans in the stands. When I was playing baseball and we ...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert






AI ANTIFA Abortion Absolute truth Afghanistan Aliens Amazon America Amy Coney Barrett Anxiety Art BLM Bears Beatitudes Bible Biden Big Tech COVID19 Canada Capitalism Censorship Children China Christmas Church History Climate Change Communism Conflict Congress Constitution Control Creativity Critical Race Theory Culture Death Deep State Discipleship Easter Economics Education Elijah Encouragement End Times Environmentalism Equality Euthanasia Evil Evolution Facebook Father's Day Father\'s Day Fatherhood Fear Foreign Policy Free Speech Freedom Gambling Gender Genesis Google Gospel Government Handouts Government Spending Government Guns Halloween Hamas Holidays Hollywood Immigration Intersectionality Islam Isolation Israel Jobs Judgment Justice Kamala Harris LGBTQ Liberal Life Loneliness Marijuana Masculinity Methodists Military Miracle Moms for Liberty Monkey Pox Movies Naturalism News Olympics Orwell Parenting Pastors Police Brutality Political Correctness Pope Population Prayer Presbyterian President Prophecy Public School Reddit Religion Religious Freedom Republican Resurrection Roman Empire Russia SBC Sacred Art School Shooting School Science Scopes Trial Second Ammendment Secularism Sin Social Justice Social Media Spiritual Warfare Stand Firm Suicide Surrender Surveillance Testimony Transgender Trump Ukraine Vaccine WWJD War Witchcraft Wokeism Women Worship antihumanism church civil disobedience conspiracy disinformation election hate hell heresy hermeneutics history judgmental language love marriage misinformation modernism pandemic persecution politics postmodernism racism rationality sex socialism sports supreme court transhumanism truth vote white supremacy worldview