Posts with the tag “america”

Is American Exceptionalism Arrogant?
January 24th, 2025
This week we were privileged again, to observe something that is relatively rare in the history of nations. We watched the peaceful transition of political power from one president to another. In a na...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Islamism is Here. What now?
May 31st, 2024
“Death to America!” That’s a chant that we see on TV sometimes. It usually comes from somewhere in Tehran or another place in the Middle East, but lately it has shown up in Dearborn, Michigan, the jih...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Boys are Still in Town
October 6th, 2023
I overheard in a coffee shop the other day two men who are obviously Christians sharing their Bibles and talking about things. One of the men said to the other, “What difference does it make if Americ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
American Culture: Anchored or Aimless?
July 28th, 2023
One of the most common questions I get these days is, “How in the world did we get here?” What they mean is, how did our culture come to believe such patently absurd and even insane ideas about truth ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Is America reversing course?
June 30th, 2023
Today is the last day of June, which means the end of another year’s pride month. Finally, this exhausting display of nonsense can be put behind us as we move forward and give our attention to somethi...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
The Future of American Religion
May 19th, 2023
We can become so preoccupied these days in the battle that is moving our culture toward a kind of woke, secular humanism that we sometimes forget to stop and consider what’s happening on the religion ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Who’s leading whom? China or America?
March 10th, 2023
In America’s greatest rival nation, China, we see a potential future for ourselves. Shocking? It should be. What happens when the President of America leaves out a reaffirmation for religious liberty ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Has God given up on America?
October 21st, 2022
When we look at the culture of death and relativism around us it is easy to get discouraged. You may be asking yourself if God is even working among us anymore. Is He still here? Has he left America? ...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert
Where is America in God’s plan?
February 25th, 2022
As Russia invades Ukraine, the Chinese government threatens Taiwan, and the world around us seems to crumble, is America the savior of the world? Is America spoken of in the book of Revelation about t...  Read More
by Pastor Michael Gabbert






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