Surveillance Capitalism: Too much of a good thing?
October 20th, 2021
How high tech are you? How connected are you to the digital world? Have you thought about how much companies or the government know about you? Or how much you want them to know about you? How do we re...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Abortion: The Fight Intensifies
October 8th, 2021
As the fight against abortion continues, Biden shows himself as the most radical pro-abortion leader in the history of the United States. As conservatives push back against the pro-choice movement, ho...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Big Tech and Free Speech
October 1st, 2021
What do we mean when we use the term “free speech”? How should we respond to Big Tech like Google, Facebook, and Amazon when they attempt to prohibit a plurality of voices? Does the Bible have anythin...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
The Biblical Necessity of TruthCurrents
September 24th, 2021
Why TruthCurrents? What is at stake if we don’t learn to think biblically about current events? What’s coming up in the near future? Listen in as Pastor Michael helps explain the importance of TruthCu...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Coronaphobia and the Consequences of Fear
September 17th, 2021
Are you afraid of COVID-19? Should Christians be afraid of it? What effect can this fear have on us?  Christians must be careful not to confuse wise caution with fear. One is healthy, the other is not...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Texas’ Heartbeat Bill: Abortion Debate Heats Up
September 10th, 2021
After the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court not to strike down the new Texas Heartbeat Bill, abortion activists have increased their zeal for abortion to new levels. How well do their arguments stand...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Should Christians pull their kids from Public School?
September 3rd, 2021
The public education system seems to be moving further and further to the left in some parts of the country. Is it better for Christians to pull their kids out of public schools? Should we seek value-...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
American Retreat from Afghanistan
August 27th, 2021
This week the situation in Afghanistan has increased in complexity, confusion, and tragedy. Does the Bible have an answer for all of the evil which appears to be winning in the world right now? How sh...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
COVID Vaccine Thoughts: Part 2
August 20th, 2021
Last week Pastor Michael began to address how Christians should conduct themselves as we engage in the conversation about the COVID-19 vaccine. This week we continue on that topic. What does it mean t...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Should Christians get the COVID-19 vaccine?
August 13th, 2021
There is no shortage of controversy and debate over the COVID-19 vaccine. How should Christians think through this issue? Should Christians get vaccinated? Is the COVID vaccine safe? Listen in as Past...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
Can the Gospel really cure society?
August 6th, 2021
We are surrounded by people who claim that antiracism, wealth redistribution, or other societal transformations will fix the all of our societal ills. Can we have confidence that the Gospel is the tru...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert
The Real Racism in America: Pursuing Equity, Ditching Equality
July 30th, 2021
Why is Critical Race Theory a big deal? We are now seeing the implications of the philosophy of CRT play out in our schools in America. Is it ok to chase equity at the expense of equality? Do the ends...  Read More
by Andrew Gabbert






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