Upper Room
Upper Room Operation Checklist
1. Turning Everything On
Here is the order in which to turn everything on:
- Computer
- Projectors (using the small remote for the TVs and the bigger remote for the Projector)
- Find Sunday Playlist (designated by date)
- Open Spotify
2. Before Rehearsal
Test everything to make sure it is all working, especially the live video feed from the back iMac. Make sure you have the appropriate signal into Propresenter. Also check the lyrics to make sure they are displaying properly on all screens.
3. Rehearsal
- Run lyrics for each song
- Make edits along the way (correcting typos and line breaks so that the line breaks at the natural place to match the song)
- Double check any issues/questions with worship leader. If you don't rehearse the whole song, then have the worship leader confirm the lyrics with you.
4. After Rehearsal
- Test any videos and other elements in the service with the FOH audio person. Make sure they have what they need from you.
- Check with the rest of the team and see if there is anything else you all need to discuss.
- Play Spotify: Youth Sunday Morning playlist
5. Service Operation
- Advance slides
- Communicate closely with the rest of the Media team on the timing of the various parts of the service, especially the live video elements.
- Be flexible during spontaneous worship. Pay attention to the worship leader to follow as closely as possible.
6. After the Service
- Start announcement loop.
- Play Spotify: Upper Room Sunday playlist
- Remain in the tech booth until the room is mostly clear.
- Then close all of the software and log out of the computer.
Getting Ready for Sunday Checklist
1. Getting Ready
- Open Propresenter
- Open Planning Center and find the plan for Sunday
2. Building the Playlist
- Find the songs listed in planning center for the UR service in the libraries of Propresenter.
- Most will be in the "Upper Room" library. If they aren't then you can search the other libraries.
- If you still can't find it then you will need to import it from Multitracks or Song Select. To do this, got to File->Import->Song Select/MultiTracks. Then type in the name of the song and select the correct version.
- Set the theme (Shapes-> triangles), 2 lines per slide, and select the library (Upper Room) and the Sunday playlist to import this into.
- Repeat as necessary for each song and service element including, baptisms, parent dedication, kids choir, or whatever else is required.
3. Checking Setting for the Songs
- Add the correct actions by selecting all of the slides in the song (cmd+A), right-click->Add Action:
- "Audience Look" select"graphics only"
- "Stage" select "current+next"
- You can set the transition for the song in the upper right corner of the song (it is one of the icons in the horizontal row of icons). Select the "cut" transition. For a tutorial click here at skip ahead to 17:02.
- You can then select the arrangement tool icon in that same row of icons. You can select the "UR" arrangement in the dropdown menu that appears in the top left side of the song. If there isn't an "UR" arrangement already then you will need to make one. For a tutorial on this click here and skip ahead to 15:00.
- Check for typos and line breaks to be in the appropriate and natural spots. Sometimes when you import a song it splits up the lines of the lyrics is strange ways. We want the lyrics to flow naturally and to be grouped together naturally. In the UR you can have up to 3 lines of lyrics on a slide, but 2 is preferred.
4. Checking Video settings
5. Sermon Slides
- Advance slides
- Communicate closely with the rest of the Media team on the timing of the various parts of the service, especially the live video elements.
- Be flexible during spontaneous worship. Pay attention to the worship leader to follow as closely as possible.
6. Final Checks
- Start announcement loop.
- Play Spotify: Upper Room Sunday playlist
- Remain in the tech booth until the room is mostly clear.
- Then close all of the software and log out of the computer.